Canadian Moose

World Travelling Hockey Club
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History of the Club

The Canadian Moose Ice Hockey Club (C.M.I.H.C.), previously known as The Newmarket Bombers and Toronto Moose, was formed in 1989 by Mark Sadgrove as a world travelling team. The rosters have included players from a broad spectrum of occupations and ranges in ice hockey experience including former professional, junior and university players to “weekend” recreational players.

On our travels, we have introduced the sport to many new enthusiasts in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. During numerous tours “Down Under”, we helped promote public awareness of the sport with a World Record attempt at playing the longest hockey game. This was a successful event as the record was set for our thirteen hour game although it has since been beaten.

Also, the sold out crowds at a Moose game have enjoyed great excitement, especially during the challenges against the Netherlands, New Zealand and Australian National teams. 

Beyond competitive hockey, the Moose have experienced the best in hospitality, cultural history and traditions.

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