Canadian Moose Hockey
The Canadian Moose is an organization dedicated to playing and promoting the game of hockey in all corners of the world. The hockey players pay their own way and anyone with a passion for hockey can join and play. The Moose have visited and played in countries such as Australia, Iceland, Scotland, Czech Republic and New Zealand. Every year, new teams are put together to travel, play and promote hockey.
NEWS: After another successful Moose tour to Iceland in 2023, the next tour is set for New Zealand in 2024! See the details here.
Celebrating 30+ years of touring experiences through the game of hockey! Check out the photo galleries from tours in 2019 and from 2018 & earlier.
A blast from the past.....check out pictures from our very first tour to New Zealand. The highlights from 1989!
If you are interested in joining an upcoming tour, please contact us .